As reported by, there has been a lot of discussion in the biotechnology world over the appropriate names of follow-on biologics. “Follow-on biologics,” also known as “biosimilars,” are “biologic medical products whose active drug substance is made by a living organism or derived from a living organism by means of recombinant DNA
Pharmaceutical Advertising
Dr. Elliott On Pharmaceutical Propaganda
I’ve had the opportunity to email Dr. Elliott several times since interviewing him and he’s just an all-around good guy. That sentiment was amplified today when I saw this column on CNN:
(CNN) — If you want to understand the way prescription drugs are marketed today, have a look at the 1928 book, "Propaganda," by
Patients Are Concerned About Doctors & Pharmaceuticals
A little skepticism is a healthy thing:
Many patients taking prescription drugs believe that pharmaceutical companies have too much influence over their physicians’ prescribing practices, according to a new survey.
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About half of the medication users believed that their doctors were too eager to write a prescription when other non-pharmacological options
GlaxoSmithKline Sales Rep Bonuses Are Tied To Values, Not Sales
I’ll be honest with you. I don’t trust pharmaceutical sales reps. Few of them are medical doctors, but they tell doctors which drugs should be prescribed for which patients. Traditionally, their compensation is based in part upon how many drugs the doctors they visit prescribe. This leads to a gigantic incentive to engage in off-label…
Massachusetts wants to return to the bad old days of pharmaceutical gifts
I think one of the most dangerous practices out there is that of pharmaceutical companies wooing doctors with free gifts and meals. In states where it is legal, you have a group of sales reps (most of whom aren’t doctors) coming into doctors offices, giving them gifts of tangible value, and telling them how safe…
Will there be a crackdown on pharmaceutical data mining?
I sure hope so. Because the ability of pharmaceuticals to find out how often doctors prescribe which medications allows those pharmaceuticals to engage in all sorts of shenanigans, like finding doctors open to ghostwriting and pushing for off-label prescription use.
Washington Bureau – When your doctors writes you a prescription, that’s just between you, your
Doctors back limits on advertising for new drugs
I agree wholeheartedly.
The nation's leading group of general internal medicine physicians has taken the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to task over drug safety and urged the agency to adopt a raft of new consumer safeguards for prescription drugs.
The American College of Physicians recommended that the FDA place limits on the advertising of