lawyer Justinian LaneFor attorney Justinian Lane the drive to help those injured by dangerous drugs and medical devices is not just a professional pursuit, but a personal one as well.

One of Lane’s relatives died after receiving a contaminated batch of the drug Heparin.  Lane is personally motivated to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable in court when their products cause injury or death. As someone who’s experienced, first-hand, what the victims of defective drugs go through, he handles each lawsuit with a personal and sensitive approach.

I like to sit down with my clients and work to build a relationship with them. I’m a lawyer, sure, but I’m not one of those lawyers. My grandfather was an auto mechanic, I like muscle cars, and the last vacation I took was to the Miller brewery in Milwaukee. My clients can relate to me as a real person because I am a real person.”

Aside from the personal motivation, Lane is also driven by the challenge of facing the best attorneys money can buy, as pharmaceutical companies turn to the top lawyers and law firms in the world due to the high stakes involved. Drawing on technology expertise garnered from ten years spent as a private consultant for such companies as Microsoft Corporation and UBS Swiss Bank, Lane is able to take on cases against very large corporations with representation from very large law firms.

It was once said that Abe Lincoln freed all men, but Sam Colt made them equal. Well, when it comes to pharmaceutical lawsuits, laptops and iPads are the new Colt revolver. I know that no matter how big the pharmaceutical company, or how deep their pockets, I won’t be outgunned in the court room because I probably know more about technology than the computer guy the other side is paying $100 bucks an hour to click “next” on their slide show.”

After spending several years as the managing attorney of the mass torts division of the San Antonio personal injury law firm of Ketterman, Rowland, and Westlund, Lane decided to open his own practice.

The years I spent working at my old firm were fantastic.  But there comes a time in every lawyer’s life when he or she decides that it’s time to hang a shingle and try to do things their own way.  That time came for me in November of 2013.  I’ve hand-picked a team of talented paralegals and my firm is focused solely on helping folks injured by defective products.”

Although Lane’s firm is based in Washington, his practice is nationwide. He has represented  clients in state and federal courts across the entire country.

Most product liability lawsuits end up in federal court.  Thankfully, I’m very comfortable with practicing in federal court.  A lot of attorneys stay out of federal court because it’s “harder” than practicing in state court.  That’s probably true.  But it took a lot of hard work to get me where I am now in life.  I’m not going to start taking the easy way now.”

Justinian Lane is currently accepting new clients who have been injured by certain types of prescription drugs or medical devices.  He can be reached via e-mail at, or via telephone at 855-452-5529. He welcomes questions, comments, and critiques from his readers.

Professional Associations

  • American Association for Justice
  • Washington State Association for Justice
  • American Bar Association
  • Microsoft Alumni Foundation
  • American Constitution Society


  • Siena Heights University / Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies
  • Michigan State University College of Law / J.D.

Bar Admission

  • Washington State Bar Association
  • United States District Court for the Western District of Washington