Over the past 20 years, the use of mesh for correction of sphincteric abnormalities has greatly increased. High success rates and simpler surgical techniques have helped its overall appeal. Recently, there has been mounting concern over potential complications with this new procedure. 4,000 reports of TVM complications were submitted to the FDA by 2010-average of 958 cases per year. Pelvic pain, vaginal mesh erosion, urinary tract infections, and organ perforation were some of the most frequent complications during this timeframe. The most experienced doctors have trouble with management of mesh sling complications. A study titled “Salvage Surgery After Failed Treatment of Synthetic Mesh Sling Complications”, published in the Journal of Urology, claims the purpose of the study was to report their experience with the diagnosis and treatment of refractory synthetic sling complications in women. Author Jerry G. Blaivas from the above study states “This is a retrospective study of consecutive women with failed treatments for mesh slingcomplications. Pre‐ and postoperatively, patients completed validated questionnaires, voiding‐diaries, uroflow with post‐void residuals, pad‐test, cystourethroscopy and videourodynamic studies.”
Results from the study were divided into two groups-conditions and symptoms. The Patient Global Impression of Improvement was used to assess the patient’s improvement. Author Jerry G. further explains his results, “Forty‐seven women, aged 35‐83 years (mean=60) had undergone at least 1 prior operation (range: 1‐4) to correct sling complications. Original sling composition was Type‐1 mesh in36 patients and Types‐2 and 3 in 11. Surgical procedures included sling incision, sling excision, urethrolysis, urethral reconstruction, ureteroneocystotomy, cystectomy & urinary diversion, and enterocystoplasty. Median follow‐up was 2 years (range: 0.25 ‐ 12, mean=3).” A successful outcome was reported by 72 percent of the patients.
Multiple surgeries may be required after an initial failure to repair mesh sling complications, and this article concludes that surgical success with TVM is possible. Due to the high rate of failure associated with transvaginal mesh, however, a number of TVM lawsuits have been filed around the world.
If you used TVM and experienced dangerous complications of vaginal mesh, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation for your injury. At your convenience, you may contact our team of transvaginal mesh lawyers for a free consultation at the information provided below.
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