We are no longer accepting cases regarding these products.  Due to a terrible Supreme Court ruling, consumers injured by this product are no longer permitted to sue the manufacturers of this device.  We wish we could help, but the Supreme Court has taken the rights of citizens away to protect the profits of medical device manufacturers.  For more information, please read the following New York Times article entitled “Medical Device Ruling Redraws Lines on Lawsuits.

A 2002 report published in Obesity Surgery titled “Adjustable gastric banding in a public university hospital: prospective analysis of 400 patients.” by JM Chevallier et al. reviews the safety and efficacy of gastric banding systems in 400 patients who underwent the procedure between April 1997 and January 2001.

The authors write “Laparoscopic application of an adjustable gastric band (LAGB) is considered the least invasive surgical option for morbid obesity,” and though they state “It has the advantage of being potentially reversible and can improve quality of life,” gastric banding does not come without the risk for serious complications.

Of the 400 patients reviewed in this study, 10% required revision surgery for complications including perforation, gastric necrosis, slippage, incisional hernia, and reconnection of the tube.  There were also “7 pulmonary complications (2 ARDS, 5 atelectasis) and 30 minor problems related to the access port.”  Thirty-one of the forty complications requiring surgery were cases of gastric band slippage.

While no medical procedure goes without risk, it is important for all patients to be aware of relevant risks and the rates at which complications occur.  Allergan, the manufacturer of LAP-BAND, a popular gastric banding system, has failed to accurately portray the risk rates for its product, stating that only about about 4.6% of patients would require reoperation — less than half the rate found by Chevallier et al. (2002).

Our Allergan LAP-BAND Lawsuit Information page is a great place to start if you have any questions about the Allergan LAP-BAND.