A 1998 report published in Obstetrics and Gynecology titled “Mesh erosion after abdominal sacrocolpopexy” by Dr. Neeraj Kohli et al. illustrates clearly an all-too-common complication of transvaginal mesh use.

Transvaginal mesh (TVM) is synthetic “tissue” used to “mimic,” if you will, human flesh, used in the surgical reconstruction of the vaginal or uterine wall

In 2008, Dr. Rebecca U. Margulies et al. published a report in The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology that discussed complications requiring surgery following vaginal mesh kit procedures for prolapse.  Aptly so, the article is titled “Complications requiring reoperation following vaginal mesh kit procedures for prolapse” and that original research showing the danger of

A report by Dr. Gouri B. Diwadkar et al. (2009) published in Obstetrics and Gynecology has found that rates of complication with the use of transvaginal mesh products is unacceptably high, reaching levels of more than 19%.[1]

Retrospectively analyzing previously-published studies of the safety and efficacy of transvaginal mesh that used more than

Recently, an article published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology has shown that while transvaginal mesh products are effective in the treatment of damaged uterine or vaginal walls following pelvic organ prolapse, these products carry a risk of mesh erosion as high as 10%.[1]

Analyzing federal databases that keep medical records from

A recent article published in a 2011 edition of International Urogynecology Journal titled “Surgical management of mesh-related complications after prior pelvic flood reconstructive surgery with mesh” by Myrthe M. Tijdink et al. reviews possible complications of transvaginal mesh after its use in reconstructive surgery in pelvic organ prolapse or another ailment.

This study retrospectively

An article published in a 2006 edition of the medical journal Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases by Stavros Athanasiou et al titled “Vaginal mesh infection due to Bacteroides melaninogenicus: A case report of another emerging foreign body related infection” details the case of a woman who used transvaginal mesh mesh and subsequently experienced severe infection

A recent publication by medical researchers Fred E. Govier et al. in the journal Adult Urology has revealed a shockingly high rate of complication when using transvaginal mesh, a synthetic tissue product used in vaginal reconstructive surgery and other procedures.

The piece, titled “High Complication Rate Identified in Sacrocolpopexy Patients Attributed to Silicone

Published in a 2012 edition of Indian Journal of Urology, an article by Gopal Badlani et al. titled “Mesh complications in female pelvic floor reconstructive surgery and their management: A systematic review” reviews the safety and efficacy of transvaginal surgical mesh, a synthetic tissue substance used to repair the vaginal wall in reconstructive

Recently, a medical research team led by Peter S. Finamore evaluated the safety of transvaginal mesh, a type of synthetic tissue inserted through the vagina used to repair damaged areas of tissue in pelvic organ prolapsed (POP) and other ailments.  Reviewing a set of 124 patients who had undergone “mesh-augmented vaginal reconstructive surgery during

A recent dialogue has begun in the medical community regarding the safety of transvaginal surgical mesh, a common product used to tread pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI).  Believed to be inert and not to react with human tissue, the FDA now has received over 1000 complaints of adverse health effects caused