Vaginal mesh in pelvic floor reconstruction has become more and more popular, and this is partially due to the high failure rates associated with older methods. In an article titled “Rising Use of Synthetic Mesh in Transvaginal Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery: A Review of the Risk of Vaginal Erosion”, written by the Department of
Vaginal Mesh
Contemporary research highlights TVM dangers
In the United States alone, over 300,000 pelvic floor reconstructions and urinary incontinence are performed. Around 29 percent of these surgeries are reoperations. The high failure rate of older methods gave way to the development of vaginal mesh kits in 2005. Mesh-augmented vaginal prolapse repairs have shown to improve anatomical outcomes and are associated with…
Research shows significant risks associated with vaginal mesh
There are many risks involved with re-operation after pelvic floor reconstruction. Older methods used to treat organ prolapsed repair were associated with high rates of failure, hence newer, more safe methods such as the use of synthetic materials are being used to augment pelvic organ prolapse repair. In a report titled “Review of …
Vaginal mesh repair in POP often unsuccessful
In 2011, the International Urogynecological Association published a study called “Prospective Study of Anterior Transobturator Mesh Kit for the Management of Recurrent Anterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse”, where the objective was the assessment of the 2 year outcome of anterior Prolift for patients with recurrent anterior vaginal wall prolapse. Anterior wall repair is a…
Study shows: Transvaginal mesh is unsafe
The objective of a study called “Outcomes and Predictors of Failure of Trocarguided Vaginal Mesh Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse”, written by the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reinier de Graaf Group, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, was to compare the…
“Synthetic Vaginal Mesh for Pelvic Organ Prolapse” Shows: Mesh is Dangerous
In 2004, the FDA cleared the use of synthetic vaginal mesh delivery systems. The high failure rates from traditional vaginal colporrhaphy and apical suspension procedures using native tissue is what gave way for the development of the new mesh method. Familiarity for surgeons with the transobturator region increased as a result of the deployment of…
Vaginal mesh found to cause complications or fail at high rate
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a major health issue, especially concerning to older women. Women who have had multiple children have a 50 percent chance they will one day need corrective surgery, and recurrence rates as high as 70 percent have been seen after traditional vaginal prolapse surgery. This has caused many doctors to recommend…
TVM complications found to be frequent and dangerous
Over the past 20 years, the use of mesh for correction of sphincteric abnormalities has greatly increased. High success rates and simpler surgical techniques have helped its overall appeal. Recently, there has been mounting concern over potential complications with this new procedure. 4,000 reports of TVM complications were submitted to the FDA by 2010-average of…
High rate of POP recurrence associated with vaginal mesh
It is estimated that 300,000 pelvic organ prolapse related surgeries are performed in the United States every year. Pelvic organ prolapse is a global wide health issue for women. High failure rates are seen with anterior surgical repair of cystocele or anterior wall prolapse. These procedures may constrict and impair vaginal anatomy. Some doctors recommend…
High rate of complications with TVM use, study shows
The use of transvaginal mesh for both the repair of prolapsed pelvic organs and incontinence has led to numerous transvaginal mesh lawsuits because of the high failure rate experienced clinically, and vaginal mesh-related infections. These issues have been recently traced by researchers, who currently believe that the lack of postoperative research done on these…