In 2012, SS Jameson et al. published a study aiming to determine factors predictive of revision (replacement) of metal-on-metal hip implants.  That study appears in the June edition of Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, and is titled, understandably, “Independent predictors of revision following metal-on-metal hip resurfacing: a retrospective cohort study using National Joint Registry data.”.

While metal-on-metal hip replacements had been seen by this UK team to have “excellent medium- to long-term results with some brands in specific subgroups,” but also that there were “high failure rates and local soft-tissue reactions in others.”

In their paper, the Jameson team cited research done by the UK National Joint Registry, which had collected data on all hip replacements performed between 2003 and 2010.  Analyzing that pool of 27,971 hip resurfacings, the team found that 3.59% required revision surgery.  Interestingly, women were found to be 30% more likely than men to undergo this replacement surgery.

The team also found that certain brands were more likely than others to fail and require replacement.  Compared to the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing model (BHR), the DePuy ASR models were 2.82 times as likely to fail.  The Conserve model was 1.43 times as likely to fail, the Durom implant 1.67 times, and the Recap model 1.58 times as likely to fail than the BHR.  Clearly, the DePuy ASR model is the least reliable of these hip replacement systems.

Further, this team found that “smaller femoral head components were also significantly more likely to require revision” — those smaller than 44mm were more than twice as likely to fail as were larger ones.

In general, the best results were found with younger male patients who used the BHR.

Due to the fact that the risk for revision reported by DePuy was significantly lower than that determined by independent researchers, the DePuy ASR and DePuy ASRXL hip replacement systems were recalled in 2010 and a number of DePuy ASR lawsuits have been filed.

If you or a loved one used a DePuy ASR hip replacement and required revision surgery or suffered other DePuy complications, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation for your injury and undue risk for injury.  For a free consultation, contact our team of DePuy lawyers at the information provided below.  We have the skills, resources, and experience required to win the justice you deserve.  Call today and see how we can help!

(855)  452 – 5529

Our DePuy ASR™ / ASR™ XL Hip Replacement Lawsuit Information page is a great place to start if you have any questions about DePuy ASR metal-on-metal hip replacements.