Published in 2012, an article by M. Seppänen et al. titled “Hip resurfacing arthroplasty: short-term survivorship of 4,401 hips from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register.” aimed to determine the short-term reliability of a variety of hip resurfacings used in 4,401 Finnish citizens, as compared to the reliability seen in 48,409  total hip arthroplasty procedures during the same period.

In general, the team found that there was no statistically-significant difference in overall reliability between hip resurfacing and total hip arthroplasty.  However, “Female patients had about double the revision risk of male patients”, “Hospitals that had performed 100 or more HRA procedures had a lower revision risk than those with less than 100 HRAs,” and “Articular Surface Replacement (ASR, DePuy) had inferior outcome with higher revision risk than the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing implant (BHR, Smith & Nephew), the reference implant (RR = 1.8, CI: 1.2-2.7).”

That is, the DePuy ASR hip replacement system was found to be nearly twice as likely to fail than the study’s reference implant, the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing.

Because DePuy failed time and again to warn users that the “ASR had higher revision risk”, a finding of these and many other researchers, the ASR was recalled in 2010 and has prompted a number of DePuy ASR lawsuits.

If you or a loved one used a DePuy ASR hip replacement system and suffered premature device failure or another DePuy ASR complication, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation.  For a free, no-obligation case consultation, contact our team of DePuy ASR lawyers at the information provided below.  We have the skills, resources, and experience required to win the justice you deserve.  Call today and see how we can help!

(855)  452 – 5529

Our DePuy ASR™ / ASR™ XL Hip Replacement Lawsuit Information page is a great place to start if you have any questions about DePuy ASR metal-on-metal hip replacements.