We are no longer accepting cases regarding these products.  Due to a terrible Supreme Court ruling, consumers injured by this product are no longer permitted to sue the manufacturers of this device.  We wish we could help, but the Supreme Court has taken the rights of citizens away to protect the profits of medical device manufacturers.  For more information, please read the following New York Times article entitled “Medical Device Ruling Redraws Lines on Lawsuits.

Published in a 2012 edition of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, a study titled “Long term efficacy of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding–retrospective analysis.” aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of laparoscopically-inserted adjustable gastric banding systems, such as the Allergan LAP-BAND.

Reviewing the health outcomes for “172 consecutive patients who had undergone laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding between May 2005 and February 2011” by the same surgeon, the authors found that “band removal rate was 19.1%” and that one patient had died.

“The main reason for band removal was slippage followed by band erosion” and “Overall satisfaction index was rated as ‘good’ for 42% of patients.”

Due to the fact that the rate of LAP-BAND erosion observed by doctors is often much higher than the expected rate of erosion by the manufacturer (which is said to be only about 1.33%), a number of LAP-BAND lawsuits were filed.


Our Allergan LAP-BAND Lawsuit Information page is a great place to start if you have any questions about the Allergan LAP-BAND.