On October 11th, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 317 people have become sick across the country in a recent outbreak of salmonella “tied to a California poultry producer.” As reported by the American Association for Justice, “nearly half of the cases required hospitalization” and about three-quarters of the cases have been in California.
According to Mayo Clinic, “Salmonella infection is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. Salmonella bacteria typically live in animal and human intestines and are shed through feces. Humans become infected most frequently through contaminated water or food sources.” In this case, products sold by this California chicken company were likely contaminated with animal feces.
Mayo Clinic continues, “Typically, people with salmonella infection develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps within eight to 72 hours. Most healthy people recover within a few days without specific treatment. [ ] In some cases, the diarrhea associated with salmonella infection can be so dehydrating as to require prompt medical attention. Life-threatening complications also may develop if the infection spreads beyond your intestines”.
This poultry farm (Foster Farms) operates a number of chicken plants in the California, and this recent salmonella outbreak is tied to three particular facilities operated by the company in central CA. According to an interview that Christopher Braden of the CDC food-borne diseases division gave the American Association for Jusice, “the outbreak involves seven different strains of salmonella Heidelberg”. A few of the strains “are resistant to at least one antibiotic and one is resistant to five [antibiotics]”. (emphasis added)
Sadly, the New York Times has reported that “[this] is not the first time the government has linked Foster Farms poultry to salmonella poisoning”, citing that “[in] July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported tying 134 cases of it dating back to June 2012, including 33 that required hospitalization, to Foster Farms products.”
As when the NY Times questioned Foster Farms about the recent salmonella contamination and the company “referred calls to Tom Super, the spokesman for the National Chicken Council,” we learn that “‘This isn’t a recall, because they haven’t been able to link it to a specific product,’ … ‘The service listed the codes of the plants where these products originated, but it doesn’t indicate that every product or even most products made in those plants are unsafe.’”
If you or a loved one got sick from eating chicken from Foster Farms, call your doctor right away. Salmonella poisoning is very serious. When you are better, it may be worthwhile to call our team of salmonella poisoning lawyers for a free, no-obligation case consultation – you may be entitled to significant financial compensation for the potentially life-threatening health risks you endured due to negligence at a modern food processing plant.
At your convenience, you may contact our offices either by phone at (855) 452-5529 or e-mail at justinian@dangerousdrugs.us. We have the experience, resources, and skills required to win the justice you deserve. Call today and see how we can help!