Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are serious medications that help with depression and anxiety disorders. These disorders are the most prevalent mental health disorders in the United States and it is estimated that over 40 million Americans suffer from some type of mental health problems. Medications can affect each individual differently. Biological factors, such as health or family medical history can impact the way certain medications interact with your body.
The objective of a study done by Worldwide Epidemiology, from Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, titled “Prevalence of Congenital, Specifically Cardiac, Defects: a Meta-Analysis of Epidemiological Studies”, was to evaluate first trimester paroxetine use and risks of congenital defects. Literature research was obtained from research published from January 1, 1992, through September 30, 2008. Predefined criteria was used in the gathering of the results. Author Wurst KE. States “Compiled results were evaluated for funnel plot asymmetry, heterogeneity, and study characteristic associations. Where appropriate, fixed-effect summary estimates were calculated and sensitivity analyses performed.” Twenty reports were found that met all criteria determined for the study, and through statistical analyses, it was shown that heart defects were 46% more common among babies whose mothers used SSRIs during pregnancy. Statistics were also able to determine that babies born to mothers who used SSRIs during pregnancy were 24% more likely to be born with any congenital malformation than babies without in utero exposure to the drugs.
Author KE Wurst continues: “Some study characteristics may be associated with differential POR estimates for paroxetine and either combined cardiac or aggregated congenital defects.” This study did not find any publication bias or overall statistical heterogeneity. There was a connection made between an increased prevalence of cardiac defects with exposure to paroxetine in the first trimester. An increased prevalence of aggregated congenital defects with paroxetine was found, however this increase may be explained by the increased prevalence of combined cardiac defects.
This study, and others like it, can be used in an Paxil birth defects lawsuit to demonstrate to a court that manufacturers of SSRI drugs knew or should have known the risks associated with the use of their product. Since many warning labels do not include adequate warnings about birth defects, a number of Paxil birth defect lawsuits have been filed around the world.
If you or a loved one used Paxil during pregnancy and your child was born with a birth defect, you may be eligible to file an SSRI birth defects lawsuit to gain compensation for the injuries your family has endured.
For more information, or a free, no-obligation case consultation, please do not hesitate to contact our team of Paxil® birth defects lawyers at the information below. We have the experience, resources, and skills required to win the justice you deserve, even from the largest of pharmaceutical manufacturers.
(855) 452-5529
Our SSRI Birth Defects Lawsuit Information page is a great place to start if you have any questions about SSRIs and Birth Defects. Call today and see how we can help!