With 29% of patients requiring reoperation following the use of transvaginal mesh for the repair of vaginal wall prolapse, controversy has surrounded the emerging trend of using vaginal mesh regularly for vaginal repair procedures.  The controversy is most pointed in respect to the lack of positive research surrounding the use of the range of transvaginal mesh kits that are now commercially available, and the debate is currently whether or not these new methods are safe and effective on both objective and subjective levels.  A recent study by Farzeen Firoozi highlighted the current trends that are part of the debate over the safety of using transvaginal mesh for prolapse repair.

Firoozi’s article suggests that while some limited data does exist pertaining to the outcomes of using transvaginal mesh or vaginal prolapse repair, the research done by independent parties is lacking, often times with new mesh kits reaching the market before any legitimate testing occurs.  The author notes that most transvaginal mesh efficiency data is collected only within the first year following surgery, meaning that the long-term effects remain largely undetermined.  The article also indicates that it has only been objectively determined that transvaginal mesh has been proven significantly more effective than other approaches for the repair of anterior vaginal wall repair, suggesting that half of the procedures involving transvaginal mesh (i.e. interior vaginal wall prolapse) are not yet proven to be reliable and safe methods.

If you have suffered from any of the symptoms of the ineffective use of transvaginal mesh in the repair of vaginal prolapse repair, it may be the result of the lack of sufficient knowledge on transvaginal mesh in the medical field.  And understandably, due to complications related to the use of transvaginal mesh, a number of transvaginal mesh lawsuits are currently being filed around the country.

For a free, no-obligation case consultation, contact our team of transvaginal mesh lawyers either by phone at (855) 452-5529 or by e-mail at justinian@dangerousdrugs.us.  We have the experience, resources, and skills required to win the justice you deserve.