A 1998 report published in Obstetrics and Gynecology titled “Mesh erosion after abdominal sacrocolpopexy” by Dr. Neeraj Kohli et al. illustrates clearly an all-too-common complication of transvaginal mesh use.

Transvaginal mesh (TVM) is synthetic “tissue” used to “mimic,” if you will, human flesh, used in the surgical reconstruction of the vaginal or uterine wall following pelvic organ prolapse or another similar ailment.  In the last 15 years, however, a great number of reports have been published that show an extremely high rate of severe complications related to transvaginal mesh use, the most common of which is vaginal mesh erosion.  Vaginal mesh erosion occurs in 10% of women who used polypropylene TVM; 23.8% of women experienced vaginal mesh erosion with silicone TVM.

In 1998, Kohli et al. performed a retrospective analysis of patients who had undergone sacrocolpopexy by one surgeon in an 8 year period.  Of the 57 patients who had undergone that surgical procedure between 1990 and 1998, 12% “had erosions,”[1] and the mean time it took for erosions to occur was 14 months.[2]

Though this research was published 15 years ago and clearly shows a high rate of complication accompanying the use of TVM, and though other many studies have reached similar conclusions about the risks associated with transvaginal mesh, many manufacturers of TVM products have yet to provide warning labels explaining these risks.

As it currently stands, over 1000 reports of adverse events related to transvaginal mesh have been made to the United States Food and Drug Administration; prompting the re-evaluation of 56 TVM products by 5 manufacturers.

If you or a loved one used transvaginal mesh and experienced vaginal mesh erosion or another TVM side-effect, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation through a transvaginal mesh lawsuit.  At your convenience, you may contact our team of transvaginal mesh lawyers for a free case consultation at (855) 452-5529 or by e-mail at justinian@dangerousdrugs.us.

We have the experience, resources, and skills required to secure the justice you deserve.  Call today and see how we can help.  Our Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit Information page is a great place to start if you have additional questions about Transvaginal Mesh.

[1] Kolhi, N et al. “Mesh erosion after abdominal sacrocolpopexy” Obstetrics & Gynecology Volume 92, Issue 6, December 1998, Pages 999–1004

[2] Ibid.